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Have you ever had someone say to you, here is a free gift?
Have you ever given a gift and told the person, here is your free gift?
Maybe, you might, if the person from past encounters had a hard time accepting gifts. Your intention would be to make it extremely clear that the gift you were giving them was really a gift, and there was nothing required of them to receive it or keep it. Once they accepted it, it was theirs forever. They did not owe you anything, need to pay you back or give you a gift in return. It was a gift and gifts are always free of charge, or they are not gifts. Gifts are not earned, they are received.
Both words “free” and “gift” say essentially the same thing. There is no charge.
I have written a number of New Covenant Bible studies, and the following verses in Romans 5 tell us how to reign in this life as a believer. They show up a lot in my studies. I think God is trying to make something very clear here, using the term free gift five times in three verses.
But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. And the free gift is not like the result of that one man’s sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. Rom 5:15-17 ESV
Greek is the original language of the New Testament.The Greek word behind “free gift” in these verses is “dórea” and has a short definition in Strong’s Greek 1431: a free gift.
I use an online editor to double check my studies before submission and it always wants me to remove the word “free” in front of “gift” for obvious reasons.
“It appears that free gift is a tautology. Consider changing it. Tautological phrases such as final outcome and past experience express the same information twice. Avoid using repetitive words when writing, especially in formal situations.” Grammarly Editor
Right after the fall of mankind, God told Adam that he would need to earn everything in this life. I think this may be why so many of us have a hard accepting a gift.
By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, Gen 3:19a ESV
Maybe this is why God tells us five times in three verses that His righteousness and our salvation is a free gift. Everything has been done for us. God wants us to enter His rest in the promised land. In the Jews promised land, the homes were built, the vineyards were planted, the wells were dug and God’s promise still stands. We are co-heirs with Christ. Oh, what a free gift! Romans 5:17 tells us we reign in life by embracing the free gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace found only in the one man Jesus Christ. Our righteousness is freely given to us from God. It is His own righteousness and no one can condemn those God has justified.
Note: Some of the translations of these verses in Romans 5 do not add the word “free” and just say gift. But you now know that the Greek word behind the word gift, does mean “free gift”. Maybe the other translations had their online editor correct them before publishing. I am sure mine will be upset with me today using the term free gift 19 times in this study.
If you have not trusted Jesus for your salvation yet, maybe God is telling you something. Your free gift of forgiveness, His righteousness, salvation, rest and so much more is waiting for you. It is the desire of God’s heart that you accept His free gift and embrace all it has to offer today.
More New Covenant Bible studies that apply:
Justified by Grace Through Faith Alone
We Need Jesus for Righteousness, Not Happiness
If You Believe You Have Been Saved
Leave the Burden on God
Jesus Did Not Die to See If We Can Qualify
Did Jesus Sacrifice Provide Forgiveness for Our Future Sins Too? Yes
Seek First His Righteousness
Many more New Covenant Bible Studies HERE. Jesus poured out His blood for the New Covenant of grace and truth, replacing the Old Covenant law of Moses. Believers are exclusively under the New Covenant, the last will and testament of Jesus that began after the cross.
And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood. Luke 22:20
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