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A GREAT NATION THE ROAD TO DISGRACE. Written by Dr. Rick McGrath, Ph.D. As America enters into the discussion in the higher courts to determine if same sex marriages should have equal rights in regard to rights given traditional marriages between one man and one woman, America may well be walking down the path of disgrace that comes with compromise. Further, America may be walking down the path that leads not only to disgrace but demise. We need only walk down history’s memory lane. Great civilizations are not timeless. During their lifespan, the produce great innovations, technological advancements, and vast leaps in knowledge, but inevitably-they will collapse and many times they die. Civilizations decline for various reasons and how and why are highly debated. In general, there are but a few common requirements for civilizations to thrive and there are only a handful of reasons why they eventually collapse. There is sufficient documentation that provide clear clues that morality declined before the nation’s collapse. We need only study the documentation that demonstrates that religion and moral values are requirements not only for the success of a civilization, but for it’s very survival. Studying history, we can deduce that great nations cease to exist in one of three ways: (1) They may be slowly absorbed and assimilated into another, more thriving civilization. (2) They may be forcefully conquered by another nation. (3) Slowly and methodically, they degenerate into a collapse. In many cases, the first two causes often followed long periods of slow and drawn out degeneration of moral values. All civilizations have common life cycles they move through from it’s inception and continuing until their demise. Some faster than others. Many times they come close to reaching the tipping point and survive for awhile longer, but history records all of the great civilizations that once ruled, have fallen and died. There are many elements within the framework that civilizations require to succeed and prosper. One element being religious or a moral framework that promotes social unity. In most instances, a popular religion emerges that attracts a majority of citizens and serves as bar for society’s moral guidelines. Will Durant, a historian once pointed out, “There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion.” The importance of religion to a civilization’s continued existence cannot be underestimated. History has shown as that when a society becomes morally corrupt, civility is destroyed, the society becomes unstable and the nation slides towards collapse. To give credence to the argument above we need only look to some of the great nations that once ruled before us. Hittite (1800-1100 BC) Situated near modern day Syria. Rather than a religious set of morals, their cultures drifted into a society whose morals were dictated by the whims of their leaders. Often the leaders would bargain with influential citizens, offering them tax breaks, in order to retain their position of leadership. Morals began to decline and leaders began assuming the aura of a god. Eventually civil wars broke out and citizens began to revolt against corrupt an immoral leadership. Babylonian Empire ( 1600-500 BC) Historical records reveal that kings were murdered by their own children and people began practicing various forms of magic. As greed and selfishness took hold, there was a reduction of literacy and culture and moral values declined. Again looking to historians like Josephus who noted that the people became an affront and contempt to God. Citizen revolts broke out and civil wars emerged. As the society collapsed, Babylon was sacked and they were put into violent bondage. Egyptian Civilization ( 3100-500 BC ) History records Egypt as being one of the great nations who contributed so much to the world. They built building and monuments that still stand today. Egypt mismanaged their resources and soon found themselves becoming reliant on imports from other nations. As social decay accelerated, lawlessness and violence spread with historical documents revealing increased levels of crime including systematic murder of children. Citizens turned away from organized religion and began embracing cults. Weekend and weary from internal conflicts and civil war, Alexander the Great was able to invade and concur Egypt. Greek Empire ( 800 – 146 BC ) Greece prospered in many areas including literature, philosophy and the arts. However, like other great civilizations before them they began down the road of moral and virtuous decline. There was a loss of respect for the discipline and calls for change as the nations’ youth became undisciplined. Documents record the music of youth became wild and vulgar and Greece slipped towards a lawless nation. Homosexuality became acceptable and was glorified in lewd and violent plays. Gradually homosexuality progressed to pedophilia and it became acceptable for older men to seduce and sexually abuse younger boys. As violence peaked civil war broke out and Roman stepped in and conquered them. Roman Empire ( 800 BC – 400 AD ) The Roman Empire the greatest of all ancient civilizations wasn’t able to escape the declined and death previous civilizations experienced. As riches grew, the people became greedy, self-indulgent, lazy and complacent as arrogance and luxury infected them. Morals and manners fell away and entertainment became more violent. Homosexuality and adultery became common and acceptable along with bestiality. All practiced in the open. Roman families began to dissolve as Romans sought instant gratification. Children became a needless burden and contraception, abortion, and infanticide became daily practice. We could continue our historical journey further looking at the Persians, Mayan, and Inca civilizations and we can conclude their demise was related to the collapse of economic, moral and religious decline. Arriving here at present day, we, the United States of America thought to be the greatest nation that ever existed, continues to subject itself to the same errors all great nations before them made. We need only examine the past and with open minds see that we too share common declines in moral, economic and societal values. As stated in my opening paragraph, The United States of America has entered into a period in history that continues to be written as we decide the rights of gay marriage. The decision that ensues may also be the decision as to our continued role as a dominant nation. We have been effective in removing a number of moral values that are usually framed within the structure of so called religion. Our society has evolved toward acceptance of homosexuality and abortion. Greed and arrogance are ingrained in our politicians. Family structures have dissolved. Modern day music promotes violence and vulgarity. Tolerance is our motto. Try as we may to argue whether there is a God or not, whether the bible is the inspired word of God, we cannot and should not argue against history. History is unbiased. It will record our final choice and that choice is our too make today.
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