Our writing courses offer solid, practical, expert advice from Sue Butler, a Consultant who specializes in Education and Curriculum Development. For the past few years, Sue has been developing a writing curriculum for Christian writers. The title indicates her vision for the curriculum, EXPRESSING FAITH THROUGH WRITING. Each course is in e-book format and will be downloaded after payment is received.
Please note that all twelve of these writing courses (a $90 value per course) are included with the Platinum membership. Platinum membership also includes many other benefits like access to the Challenge, Critique Circle and prize money. Access to the weekly Writing Challenge with live judges is a huge benefit for writers who are serious about their growth as a writer.
You will need the ADOBE ACROBAT READER to view and print your e-book course. You can download it for free at:
An innovative writing course designed to stimulate the creative part of your personality.
Nine complete lessons beginning with the review of the writing process.
Mastery of writing skills in narrative writing, character sketches and story mapping.
Practice in interpretaion of literature, poetry writing, and short story writing.
Story Map Organizer, Cubing graphic organizer, Character Mapping graphic organizer, GOOD LIT acrostic to interpret literature. PLUS, BIBLICAL INTERGRATION sections in most lessons.
An innovative writing course to teach you the basics of writing well.
Nine complete lessons comprehensive instruction of the writing process.
Numerous ideas for journaling and publishing.
Checklists for revision and editing.
Several step-by-step writing assignments for creative and analytical paragraphs.
Also includes timelines and graphic organizers. PLUS, BIBLICAL INTERGRATION sections in most lessons.