The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This brought tears to my eyes and drew me into your story. I was so glad for a happy ending. Beautifully told. What a blessing!
Very tender, authentic and well-written piece.Am reading this the night of the shooting of children in a school, and treasuring the image of
A parent playing a game with a child; a seemingly insignificant thing, but such precious and memorable time together,
This was the most touching, hauntingly beautiful story I've read in some time! Oh my gosh. The way you told the story was moving, compelling, and made me cry from start to the very last.

Remission yes! oh God is good all the time. All the time God is good. Amen. I am so happy for your son's outcome. So good to hear of God's miraculous works. And, so happy that His grace and love brought you all through that period of time.

God Bless you...and may you all continue to share many many many years together as a family.

Thanks for sharing your testimony and your son's journey that was touched by His love from above...
Wonderful story, beautifully told.
Your story reminded me that a grateful attitude keep the unbearable in a Spirit-led state of mind. Poignant and well written piece.
What a beautiful blessing(s). Amazing story! Super congrats on your EC!
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. You have shared from the deep pain and joy you have experienced and told it so very well. Congratulations on your well-earned 3rd place.
How does one tell a story like this without being too heavy? You did it quite nicely with the "game" opening and closing. Held my breath; glad for the happy ending.