The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your descriptions are wonderfully vivid - I felt like I was right there. I wish you had dwelt a bit more on our "bodily houses" - maybe made some overt comparisons to the "regular" house - but that's just my opinion. A great message!
Really good take on priorities! Very encouraging.
The Lord, indeed, uses the ordinary things of life to remind us of what is eternally important. I liked the comparison you made.
I grinned all the way through this! The phrase "spoiled rotten fur-baby" just cracked me up, and this was simply an outstanding read.
So, I just gotta ask: Did the house sell, even though it wasn't perfect? You see, my husband and I... we're not project people either, and we live in a less-than-perfect house. We must have mutual acquaintances too!

I really enjoyed this. It wrapped up rather quickly, and I wished there had been a bit more on our bodily homes also.

This was a fun read. Good job! Blessings, Cheri
Boy, this is a message I need to hear often. Too often I get caught up in what "needs to be done/fixed/cleaned on the house", and forget it's just a house.

It felt like the part about our body being a house, was kind of just thrown in at the end. You had a important and complete message with the priority slant, and the message of our body being a temple and much more important than our physical house, could be a whole separate piece.

Great writing, and very nice devotional.