Previous Challenge Entry (Level 4 – Masters)
Topic: New Patch/New Wine - Old Garment/Bottle (Matthew 9:16-17, Mark 2:21-22, Luke 5:36-39} (01/04/24)
TITLE: A Fresh Start | Previous Challenge Entry
By Laurie Kiel
01/11/24 -
What is that?
What am I pouring
From the vat
Of dreams
and schemes
and whatever seems
A fresh start
Thoughts come tumbling
out of my mind
Out of my heart
What if
What if
What if
But i've tried this before
My heart is still sore
from the failures
A new wine
A daring endeavor
But am I ready
to face the whatever
that may happen
The old wine skin
Old methods
Old ideas
Old fears
Each of which steers
me into trouble
Pouring my new dream
Into my old way of thinking
Such strategy is sinking
my chance of success
For my thinking is "stinking"
As Zig Ziglar used to say
That thinking was for yesterday
New thinking is today!
What if
What if
What if
What if I fail
What if I sail
into the sunset of failure
But what if
What if
What if
I take that new start
Pull the fear from my heart
It's a poisonous dart
Killing my dream
What if
What if
What if
A new wineskin
Starting fresh
Starting new
Clinging to the One
I know is true
A new wine of hope
A new wine of dreams
This is whatever
Forever seems
Out of reach
Out of touch
Such audacious thinking
Is simply too much!
I need to abandon the speech of concession
I need to abandon my negative confession!
The suspense continues
Making me sick
Will this time be different
Will this be my happy ending
Or will I be spending
It kicking myself
Putting my dreams on the shelf
Which choice do I pick
The past is a cask
Holding my bitter wine
But I’m wanting the wine that’s divine
A wine that’s new
A wine that’s true
To my dreams
I’m a new woman
With Jesus I can
He calls me to do.
He is my truth
He is my source
He is what fills me
beyond all measure
He is my treasure.
He is my strength
He supports my soul
He makes me feel total
He makes me feel whole
I love you Lord
You are my treasure
No minor earthly pleasure
Will suffice
I don’t need to think twice
I adore you Lord
I’m totally on board
A fresh start
New wineskins
New wine
Fresh heart
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