The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Great job with the double play on the two gathering storms. I could "feel" each one building. The use of the name Delores in the middle kind of confused me. Does this guy have both a Dorothy and a Delores he is leading on? Sounds like a big storm brewing to me!
Oh wow, this is a "rattled" you can really feel, all over. Hopefully the judges will overlook the one part where you call Dorothy "Delores". You did great work with this and I hope it gets some recognition.
I too was confused a bit by Dorothy and then Delores. I was not sure if the storm inside was rattling him more than the one outside hence the confusion of names. A good job nevertheless.
Congratulations on your story being an EC. I like your comparison stories as they evolved.
Congratulations on your 3rd place EC. I knew this was a winner.
Congrats Michael! Great job -- God bless!
Potent - both storms! Congratulations!
You did an amazing job drawing me into and through both of the storms that were brewing.
Excellent correlation from beginning to end. The second read through had even more unique and noticeable comparisons. I really enjoyed the back and forth jockeying in my mind! Simply fabulous, thanks and congratulations.
Great story. Love the back and forth tension between storms. Congrats.
Congratulations! I loved the tension you created between the dialogue and the impending storm. Great job!