The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A bit hard to follow at first, but I stuck with it and got involved with the various scenarios. As an employer I understand the stress here! Each day is a blessing. Good job.
Honestly, I too got lost trying to follow all the different characters in this, plus thought mixed in too. I had to reread it a few times to finally get who was saying/thinking what. Then I realized the jumbled conversation and thoughts was actually a good depiction of someone’s intake who is under stress and still trying to function normally and not show the stress. This is probably an all too true scenario in many small businesses today. But, I like how it ends with the prevailing thought that “every day is a blessing”.
A totally credible answer to that quaint theory that a boss has nothing to do. All that stuff and stil within the word limit. Great work.
Yes, I confess to being lost for a while, but when I re-read it slowly, I realised what a great story this is for the topic. Topical for the present economic climate too. You ended it perfectly.
Brilliant writing! I recognized the signs of a stressed out boss...been there, done that. So, all in all, I really could relate. I loved how you incorporated his thoughts with the employees actions, and conversations. Simply outstanding! Fantastic job with this. I pray it does well with the judges!

God bless~