The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You did a great job building to the conclusion. The MC's pain is palpable and comes across as very authentic. Good Job!
This story is so sad, but honestly refreshing--unfortunately family life isn't always "blissful" but in many cases "broken."

Very well written. Thanks for sharing.
I can feel the pain.
A dreadful situation of a heart-wrenching sad story, showing the agony the MC and many others are going through. Such despair breaks the heart, but we need not run this course alone. Let God be our partner, friend and Lord to see us through such circumstance with strength beyond and comfort from the Holy Spirit.

Dear Lord, we know You reign supreme in all situations. Heal us of our pain and carry us through our times of overwhelming hurt and agony.

The creativity of our coping mechanisms is amazing. Interesting that things returned to near normal when the MC rested. Well deserved win.
Congratulations on your well deserved 1st place EC award.
A well deserved win for an excellent story--your stress fracture so clear on both levels. Congratulations!
Wow, heart-breaking and poignant, masterful writing. Congrats on your ribbon and Editor's Choice award!