The Official Writing Challenge
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Without dreams where would we be? The key is to partner with God as we pin hopes to our goals. I think your last sentence summed that up nicely.
Your title fits this piece very well and I like how light and easy to read it is. Yes, it is sad to see that wedge that appears at times between parent and child, but how wonderful it is when it can be removed by both sides and friendship and love fills the gap. Great reminder. Good story.
I love this! It illustrates so well the tension that moves a child out from under the protection of the family in a quest to build his own life. He (you?) had the blessing of both a wise eartly and a wise heavenly father. The catch phrase -- you can't steer a car that's not moving -- is memorable. A good story.
Very realistic and being a mom it really drew me in and broke my heart. One never wants a child to leave that way but God's plans always seem to pave the way. Congrats on your win. Well done.