The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This makes me so sad for both of them. Your interspersed time count-off though your story is very effective. Great title, too!
Heavy duty story. I want to know they'll stay together. Thank you.
So many important truths are woven in this story:

Don't let the sun go down on your anger.

Say, "I'm sorry"

Don't drink too much alcohol.

Words do hurt.

Have timed discussions, but don't let them esculate out of control (Maybe have a counselor or referee).
You packed a lot of emotion into two minutes. Novel approach and, yes, great title!

Congratulations on your third place win!
This is so sad, and so beautifully written. There is only one Hope for them - I long that they find Him. Congratulations on your well deserved placing.
Congratulations on your placing, for it's well-deserved. Very clever construction around the relentlessness of the digital clock and the churning regrets within the MC's insomnia. You've communicated a striking sense of transparency and vulnerability.