The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is rich with atmosphere and has extremely vivid descriptions. I was completely engaged throughout. Masterfully told.
Reminded me of "Peace Child" in some ways. Only one "fix" caught my eye. You meant "scar" not "scare." Good read.
You drew me in right away, and held me throughout with this simple, yet powerful story. You weave enough history in to give the story great depth, yet do not leave the reader overwhelmed with complexity. Sad, though,that it would take so long, and an eminent threat to his rescuers to prompt this overdue reunion--but perhaps that is a story unto itself.
Wow! This was SO good. I was completely captivated, and I LOVE how you tied the title in at the end. Awesome writing...LOVED it!
It's obvious that you really put your mind into the world's and characters that you create as you write them.

I too wondered if this was completely fictional or based on true events.

Congratulations on your first place win and EC! Awesome to see you up there at the top! :)
Super congratulations Amy! Well deserved 1st Place and EC. :-) xoxo
Oooh! Glad I didn't miss this one, Amy! It's wonderful! I liked the way the names had meaning and the rich descriptions-it was wonderful! Congrats on your win! ^_^
I can see why this won!!!
Extremely well done and so beyond the mark of relating to topic.
I have goosebumps reading this! Great take on the topic and so beautifully written.
Thanks you masters for your expertise and encouragement that we writers experience from you, right from starting out as beginners.
Congratulations on a win for a wonderful story.
I was wondering how the title would tie into the story, and the conclusion and the MC's name change was just perfect. Congratulations on placing first.
Wonderful! No wonder you were picked as FIRST. Congratulations! I love the story. It held suspense and emotion, ending in surprise. Well done!...Helen
WOW!! This is excellent, Amy! You truly deserve to be our top-notch winner! I love to read your stories!

I love the story. It had me in tears.