The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This excellent story perfectly illustrates "love in action."
This is a church service I would have loved to have been part of. I started getting teary at the expressions of love. Even though the characters are fictional, it has a feeling of real. Nicely written.
Beautiful from start to finish!
Love this! Masterful, indeed.
This is great. I just LOVE how God worked in this congregation. Awesome, inspired message masterfully told.
Oh, how much God wants us to be this way to each other. Instead, we have "church", where we never reach out or touch each other's lives outside our buildings! Great needs to be in every church bulletin next Sunday!
This is such an inspiration. Excellent message!
It's not fair! I never cry. Not at sad movies, not at funerals. Yet this is at least the 2nd or 3rd time something you have written brought real bona-fide tears to my eyes. Now where exactly can I find this beautiful congregation??? :-) :-) :-)

Well done!
Ah, great story! Beautifully written!
Kristen, almost nothing ever chokes me up--but this story did. Way to go, girl, this is gorgeous.
Now that would be some service to witness! Love your originality!
Kristen, this was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. You are definately becoming a well rounded writer, able to conquer and deliver and style. If you ever doubted your ability/anointing; DON'T. You can write, girl and deliver the goods. Excellent job. Sincerely!
God bless.
I so want this to be true! The message is simple, yet profound. You illustrated it very well.
I cried several times while reading this. Our best family friends are senior pastors', and I know this story to be more true than many would realize. Wow!
Wow! The message of this story is touching and convicting. That is what the local church is all about, reaching out to each other.
Well done!
Wow! Beautiful story. Wish it could really happen in all of our churches!
Brought tears to my eyes. You have a real knack for writing moving stories and realistic characters that we can all relate to. I needed this, this morning, thanks!
I love, Love, LOVE this story! You did an awsome job of telling it.
Oh, what a story!! This is Excellent! Hugs!
Excellent writing and story. At first I was concerned that the pastor was holding things in his mind about his congregation that shouldn't be there, but then the more I read, the more the real story unfolded - beautifully.
Oh, I'm so glad I picked this one to read. What a beautiful story. And so well told. Wonderful job.
Congrats on your EC win. This is an exceptionally well written piece. I really like how you write!
Congratulations on your EC. What a beautiful picture of what a church body should be. It left me thinking, "if only ..."
Way to go, Kristen!!! I'm so happy this was on the Editor's Choice list! Congratulations, friend. :)
Have to pop back in and say CONGRATS, girl! I loved this entry. Yay for you!
Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! A+ Tops! Congratulations!
Shame on me for not having told you how much I liked this the first time I read it. You can add me to the tissue-hunting group. This is definitely my favorite piece of yours since I joined.