The Official Writing Challenge
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Ohhhh you caught me! What a sweet story!
Great twist and fun to read.
My grandson loves to imitate his preacher daddy, so I can relate to this. Great fun!
Now *this* is a fun read. Love the surprise at the end.
Just darling and incredibly creative. Especially the ending...
I think I missed the whole point of your story when I read it-the first time! (Wink) Had too many interruptions, I think! So cute-and sweet; I used to play church with my siblings, too.
You caught me by surprise at the end. Certainly didn't see that coming! Great writing!
Cute, cute, cute! This was fun.
Way kool, Jo-anne. I don't know much about the technical aspects of poetry. But, it flowed well, was vivid and entertained as well as ministered. A success. Great Job. God bless.
Terrific narrative and meter. I loved it.
This is a hoot. Very fun. I was a little concerned about this minister, but the end explained it all. :)

I don't know much about poetry, but I did stumbl over the fifth paragraph some the first time I read it. The beat seemed off to me.

Really cute poem -- great ending.
Absolutely adorable! I love the "great big fat sinners" and think that's a phrase some grown-up pastors ought to employ! Charming, charming, charming.
Awwwwww! This is so precious. Surprise at the end - so I had to go back and read it again. How clever of you!
What a great twist, glad I kept reading, because I was beginning to wonder. But your bringing about a hopeful and entertaining, suprpise ending prevailed.
Very impressive! I love it! Your ending explains why the flock "often sat speechless" and the notes no one could read but Alvin(great clues). I love some of your phrases to like "pulpit refrain" and "copious notes". Well done! Frankly I'm surprised this wasn't a "jewel". :) oh, and I must add that this is "cute". :)
This was just too cute! I loved the voice in this and felt it flowed really well. Kudos my friend, KUDOS!!!
You got me! Precious, indeed. LOVE IT!!!
Congratulations on your much deserved EC. The ending is absolutely priceless.
Joanne, Congratulations on your high ranking as well as your E.C. placing! It just goes to show how God can do His thing even when we think we are out of our genre!!!! I'm so happy for you. :)
Congratulations on this great piece! Loved the end!
(sMILE!) I loved the surprise ending! I did notice that "Bible" wasn't capitalized. It was refreshing to have a poem that isn't free verse.
Good writing ! Congratulations.
Excellent writing - the end caught me by surprise. Congrats on EC placement.
Great job! Maybe I blew it by exposing the kids playing church right in the beginning of my entry. I can learn from you!
Woo-hoo! You're a poet and now you know it! Congratulations!
Woo-Hoo, Joanne! LOVE this! Just goes to show you that sometimes we're capable of more than we think we are. Congrats on your placing!
WOW! This is excellent, Joanne! Congrats on a well-deserved win!
Eight years gone by . . . and I still love this poem!