The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow-I hope my friends and family are there to throw me a Heavenly surprise party! Your story is right on topic-seems this will be the last surprise we'll ever know! I was a little worried that she'd find no one there she knew, especially after she discovered her pastor didn't make it.
Intriguing take on the topic. Definitely gave me much to think about. LOVE the ending!
What an interesting perspective! I think that it is too easy to forget that we don't know the final story concerning our witness to those we love and pray for. Thanks for the reminder!
An interesting story and a great reminder that it is God who works in people's lives.
Loved this! A surprise party in heaven! A dream for anyone who is getting weary in their walk, thinking no one is listening.. Gave me extra patience and a reminder of the long suffering of God. Thanks for the lift!
I don't usually like "heaven" stories simply because I feel sure they all fall so far short of reality. This one is an exception though as you used it quite effectively to get across some really valid and important truths. I hope we will all be as surprised as your heroine when we see those we thought were lost.