The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1781 times
Member Comments
Bitter-sweet and beautiful. Great job!
This is the intersection of life and love...beautifully written, and completely believeable. I know the feelings full well. Thanks for sharing the Hope.
This is a delightful piece that had me leaning forward on my seat throughout! I loved the way you wove the 'devotional' through the narrative and finished with such a strong affirmation of love for Dave. Powerful writing. yeggy
A heartfelt and insightful journey through a garden maze. I loved the setting for this beautifully written story. Very nicely done.
Oh, how often I have been in that maze of looking for anwsers to medical problems, but only finding more twists and turns. Well done!
Oh, Ann - I NEEDED to read this this morning! How did you get into my head??? Your voice is wonderful wonderful here, and such a well-told message. I think I just may need to print this one out! This is my favorite so far this week!!
Nice take on the topic. It reminded me of The Shining (ha!), only sweet. Loved the message.
I love the descriptions -- I was following you every step of the way, even my concern for "Dave" seemed genuine! Great piece! Very creative and well done! God bless! :)
Very touching. I loved this line:

With sudden clarity, I realized that from His point of view, God does not see a puzzlement or a crooked way. In Him, there is neither confusion nor convolution.

Good job.
Oh, this is lovely. How well I can relate to the sentiments in this piece. Very well written, and it really touched my heart. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Very tender and sweet--I could really relate to the hospital passages, and I love the way you portrayed this couple's relationship. Lovely.
Great -delightful, real, and a touch of heartach.! I've always been facinated by the hedge mazes (and was reminded about a dream I had about one years ago that I'd forgotten about till reading this).
I was right there, every step of the way - but especially at the point of reflection about failing health. Then the questioning, the direction, the awareness of a bigger perspective. An effective story with a strong moral....
Very nice. You gave this story twists and turns, giving us corners to walk around.

I liked your word "dalliance". You used it as a great connection between the beginning and the end of the story, with hints throughout. It it's an uncommon word with wonderful character and perfectly suited.

Two spots threw me out of the rhythm along the way.

"Rather like this maze, I mused."

Your whole story is pointing this direction and by making this point explicit you've taken something from the reader and dulled the creativity a little. The thoughts of the story already imply this.

The second is the word "amorous" before couple. The "lost in each other" phrase shows us, "amorous" tells us. Plus, "amorous" is a little formal for the general flow of the story.

But, these are mere nitpicks about a really engaging, well written story.
A maze as an analogy for life was done excellently, especially with the thought that God oversees each direction we take. I appreciated the thoughts here.
I liked the switch in the middle of the narrative to describing a maze of a different kind.
I loved this message. I loved this work. I loved this story. (I was afraid something was going to happen to him in the maze! Whew!)
This is awesome, Ann. A delightful story to read and a worthwhile choice for 4th place. Congratulations and God's blessings.