The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is like a slideshow view of this man's life--I really like this unique approach.

One minor spelling glitch: "aisle" instead of "isle" (unless she's getting married on a tiny island).

This is clever, unique, and very creative.
"Unique" doesn't seem an adequate word to describe this wonderful conversation between "me, myself, and I" that you have written. This is just so delightfully clever. A reader can't help but fall in love with this fellow, as his story unfolds.
What a wonderful POV. Enjoyed this very much. One other little "glitch". Should be altar not "alter", although responding to the altar call does alter one's life! Good job.
Creative, unique, wish I could find the perfect word. The honesty, the openess of this life through the looking glass!
This is amazing. You smoothly covered the emotions of a lifetime in 750 words. Beautiful job.
George, this is exquisite! What a powerful, natural voice you've developed here; I was absorbing rather than merely 'reading,' it's so strong. (I hear guys really do talk to themselves like this--remember "The Truman Show?") Wonderful piece!
Brilliant and clever. Very well written.

(some missing commas in the last two paragraphs... "Well, guys,..." and "...the line, boys." Just a minor oversight; you have direct address nailed in the other places.)

I really enjoyed this... really got a sense of a life well lived.
Boo hoo! Very nice, very touching... you hit it right on the nail in your descriptions of the wedding and the church scene. Nice style!
Wow George! I ab-so-lute-ly love this! It IS brilliant! Who cares about those tiny little glitches! I hope you do something about this one!
Tell me please...where did you learn how to write? This is really good. :)
George, I LOVE this! What a creative, introspective approach! Your vulnerability makes this piece so real and endearing. I love the crybaby line. The whole thing was so touching and nostalgic. Great job!
Terrific, introspective way to look at one's life. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing it with us.
The title fits -- Life at a Glance -- and it sums up the story written so well. I loved it. Thank you! :)
This is very well done. I enjoyed the unigue POV. The title was perfect.
Loved the approach, like a movie or slideshow tracing the man. Great writing. Hope it wins more than a mention.
George, I'm with dub, hope this places. As I read through the entries I end up letting more than a few know "they are my favorite" this week. But some weeks that's just how it is...and you are one of my favorites. I loved the line...couldn't lead a silent prayer...I've been there.

Great story. Life's snapshots can be interesting can't they? Good work.
Wonderful - I loved going step by step - creatively done!