The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Great snapshot of the two churches--small church and mega-church, and sadly, very often true. Good job.
Unfortunately, you have captured what a lot of churches and ministries have become.

Especially in christian circles, "all that glitters is NOT gold."
Very, VERY creative, and completely on topic. Great descriptions especially.
Lots of biting satire and irony in this piece, very well written.
Loved the comparison and hope that getting caught not being perfect would be a wake up call for the future, liked the pace of this.
Satiracle indeed:)
Very well written. Communicated your point perfectly. I don't think all BIG churches are that way, but I understand your point. Our church broadcasts its services on TV and at times, I too, have felt more like a prop than a member. Your lead in was excellently written. God bless.
Excellent! Great contrasting and the message is right on topic.
Wow, I know that second church :) Great story.
Great comparison. Loved the title and the name "Mc Mayhem". Clever. This is very well written and gets the points across extremely well. Good job!
Love the way you hit the topic from two angles. This is an excellent piece.
Great comparison. I think most pastor's families feel under the camera. Your second pastor's family is much more rare, but their ministry more effective. I love the name of the first church "First-Church-of-the-Listen-to-Me-and-You-Will-Be-Saved" as well as of their pastor. Very descriptive uses of names.
Ditto to all of the above, the word play with mayhem, the contrast, the public slip in to true colors. And Matthew probably knows that Pastor Taylor will not gossip.
Wow! you certainly caught the contrast between those two! I the opening half was very funny at first, but when the second half came and I reread the beginning, wow, that gives me shivers. Excellent descriptions! ^_^
Definitely hit the topic with this one. Pastors that seek their own instead of God's will definitely are glittery shells with no substance. Good job!
Great illustration of topic!

Your gift for writing shines!
Enjoyed this story and the comparisons.
This made me laugh - "Children look at Misty and McKenna and wonder how many times their mom pinches them off-camera." Besides the topic lesson, a good reminder of how we need to be real - and allow our pastors and their families to be real too.
This message is ever so real. I wish more people could see through the hypocracy of some of the evangelist promoting the "name it and claim it" philosopy. I never realized until now, how these preachers also steal funds from their neiborhing churches. Great lesson - thanks for writing this.
All the way through this creative story, I thought what a great piece you wrote to show comparison and contrast. I go to a big church that shares the heart of your small church.:-)
Wanted to stop by your piece from last week to say thank you for being so faithful to come by and comment to us beginners. I always appreciate seeing your name in the box, your notes are always so insightful. :) Loved this piece for all the reasons already stated so many times. Your story flowed smoothly from the first thread to the second, then tied the two together in expert style. Thanks for sharing. :)
This was a really good one. It made me sad to read it though. Men like that are headed for eternal punnishment and they are dragging many down with them. God help them all. Well done my friend.