The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1566 times
Member Comments
Excellent, what good fun, and so very true. Characters were highly believable, you created tension and kept it rising until... Mm-mm I can just taste the strawberry... with chocolate sauce naturally!
I really enjoyed reading this! :) Too funny and I didn't anticipate the ending! Great choclate ending. And Hey! Chocolate is at the top of the Pyramid! It's super healthy too! But I don't know about that visual- ummm - I'll have to go get my dark choco -chips and work on it! Loved this! :)
Hahahahahahahahaha! I wonder whos this is. I like it muchly. You write with humour and flair. Think you might bag yourself a winning spot this week (or at least commended) chickie!
I loved this!!! So light hearted and yet written with such a deft and flawless touch. Well done.
LOL. This was great. I love humor with a message. Oh - and good job with placing the subliminal messages really made me have to go to the bathroom. LOL
Great entry.
Blessings, Lynda
ļ Very enjoyable read. A big cast of characters handled well. Drama built throughout as the main character became increasingly uncomfortable. Great twist at the end. Love that the knife wielding Briana was a body builder Yeggy
So cute and enjoyable! M-m-m chocolate covered fresh strawberries! Wish I'd read this while there was still time to hit the grocery store! Haha!
This was so funny! I, too, loved the ending..especially how the knife was made one pausein expectation!
Very enjoyable. Your characters were true to life and I loved it that you were true to yourself! Great job at portraying the tension and the ending was unexpected.
Oh LOL! You know I can relate! Balance is SO important. Every food group should be balanced with chocolate! Loved their presentations and the main character's discomfort. :) Karen
When I neared the end, it had me worried (Were these women gonna kill you for eating a chocolate-laden strawberry????) Then I read the rest and was relieved. LOL Great job!
This is great and it drew me right in. A good message that was very well presented. Creative piece on the topic as well.
I loved how you showed her fear of speaking to the group and then ending with her presentation being the best,
See.. she was scared to do her presentation for nothing! I too love to dip strawberries ( and marshmallows:)) into chocolate sauce. It's good for what ails you! Thanks for the article.
Besides, if it was dark chocolate, it was okay. Lots of antioxidants in dark chocolate. :)
Now, this was a different! Creative, humorous and well written! Jo
Suzanne, the judges did like your entry, and so did I. You ranked 10th in the Level 3 list, and 18th overall (out of 135 entries). So well done! There really wasn't much separating the entries in the top 30. Love, Deb (Challenge Coordinator)
Hooray! This is LOL funny Suzanne. Great suspense, great conclusion, and great message.