The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1245 times
Member Comments
This article rings true. Whether it is or not, they are great words of encouragement for many of us. Thanks for sharing it!
I enjoyed the progression of your story. The romantic in me hopes it is a true story. Be blessed.
Fine story. An encouragement to writers who have to struggle to reach where they want to go.
Most excellent piece! I love it! Very encouraging for all newbie writers!
Michael, you story is so plausible and your writing gift so special, it makes me think you must "be" Henry. This is a wonderfully paced story and well worthy of EC. Congralations
Michael - Congrats on your third EC placing. You've sailed right through to masters. Great talent here. Keep writing.
Your work is easy to read and plausible. The reader is quickly engaged in the story line. It is the subtext that I personally like the most; and, you do it masterfully. Pretense (in a good way) without being pretentious or obvious. Congratulations and welcome to Masters.