The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Sounds like yours was an enjoyable childhood filled with adventure and precious memories. Great writing.
Absolutely enjoyable. Yes, those were the days.

You have such a relaxed and comfortable style, a wonderful gift.

And as far as good sentences ... they don't cam any better than ... 'Summertime...heaven-sent days for earth-bound children, quickly spent and forever gone. '
Jeanne, I'm going to feature this entry in the Front Page Showcase for the week of September 20. Look for it on the FaithWriters Home Page...and congratulations!
Reading this creates a longing to go back there, where hearts were young and carefree...
well-written...congrats on making the home page!

Maybe the song titled "Where have all the flowers gone" should have a follow up tune:
"Where have all the summers gone!"
First--congratulations on being featured this week--that's how I came to read this delightful story of simpler times. Kids today are glued to computers, playing video games and not even aware on what they're missing--so sad for them. Thanks for the memories this story evoked in me.