The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I've often wondered the same thing! I know there are numerous scriptures to tell us to go boldly to God with our petitions, but I'm more like the cat that waits and meows every now and then, also. Your analogy is right on without being preachy or super "religious". I like the contrast you developed of the two cats. This article seems to have grown naturally out of your own musings and questions, and not forced on the topic. I like that.
Great Title, delightful read, super message and just an all around great approach to the topic at hand. Couple of question marks missing, but I thoroughly enjoyed the mini-preaching service - and I mean that in a positive way. Made me "think", and taught me a lesson. Written beautifully also - Very good job!
To me it's clear from all the motley Bible crew that God created each of us to be unique and to approach Him (each) in our own unique way. The bashful and halting approach of Gideon was every bit as useful to reveal God's power as bold Joshua's. The fact that we know WHERE to go for our help is most important and that we never give up. Blessings on your two beloved cats. We also have two nights and days in our household and I love both dearly.
I like the conversational way you approached this. It came across as natural, not pushy. (more like the quiet cat)