The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Excellent writing! I could feel her fear all the way. And the title is quite appropriate. Kudos to you.
So sad, and very beautifully written.
Where are all the comments? This piece is really well written. Your use of description was very effective. Great work on a very "fearful" topic!
You have written a very powerful story, certainly sad, but yet reassuring, with God's promise to His followers.
This is so tragically beautiful ... and so tragically and beautifully written.

Wow - you captured me from beginning to end - this is awesome. It has such depth and quality - masterfully written.

Wow. What a scene. You had me right there with the young girl. Her death was such a blessing.

Extremely entense and wonderful writing. Good job.
Each time I read a story about this awful period in history, I have a difficult time understanding HOW ordinary men and women could be turned into such brutes. And also, how ordinary men and women can be turned into such heroes. Your writing on this topic is chilling and powerful. I could feel every sorrow she had to endure. Death was, indeed, bliss for the many who endured this horrible treatment.
Sobering, absolutely sobering. Man's inhumanity to are we ever able to understand it? I once heard the story of a woman whose sister died before her eyes in an encampment such as this. A few moments later, a sparrow flew down and then back up into the sky. This gave her hope because she saw the bird as a symbol of the Holy Spirit within us, it cannot be captured and can lift us out of any prison. Your article stands as a testament to this faith.
Excellently written story with strong emotions, powerful descriptions, and an awesome ending! Your piece reminded me a little of the sufferings faced by Jews and Christians, such as Corrie Ten Boom, in concentration camps during WWII. Well done! :)
I agree, this is masterful. Tough to read, but beautiful writing and a great message. Good luck!
I love the message your story brought to the reader. It was hard to read of her suffering, but so beautiful the see her faith become sight.
oh, wow! Great story. You captured and portrayed her fear so well, and hearing her thoughts like that added so much to it. Great job!! Hugs!