The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I like the story...excellent point of view for parenting. Good job of writing for this topic.
A great lesson for parents and very well written indeed!
Parenting is an awesome responsibility. This story shows that well.
Good story. Your title caught my attention, too. Teens can learn from this and so can parents!
Very well-written, and I like the flashback structure. Not sure if it isn't more for adults than teens, perhaps.

Your voice is open, candid, very readable.
Very well written. This is a great message for parents but I think that a teen would also benefit from it. The would see the parent's POV and learn.
An interesting title and even more interesting piece. I think there's a lot going on and not enough words to get it out. Great job. I'm glad that you tackled this one, the tone was matched just right.
Great title and message. I think the line about the mother saying her "piece" should have been "peace" but that is quite minor against how well this was written.
Very well written. I enjoyed the read. Great job.
Jackie, I liked this one. What a great message to remind fathers of the importance of sharing wisdom with their sons!
Jackie, I liked this when I read it previously. It really illustrates your verse well. A free Methodist paper EVANGEL publishes stories like this. I can see it, as well, a good fit for a magazine about Christian parenting. The only suggestion I would make is to say something about having made the same "warden" comment to your son that your mom had made to you.
Jackie, I had liked this when I read it previously. You illustrated your verse perfectly. I think it would fit well in a paper like EVANGEL, a Free Methodist Publication, or in a Christian parenting magazine.
The only suggestion I would make would be to show somewhere that you had make the same "warden" comment to your son.
I like the coninuation of the lessons from generation to generation. I think you might be able to punch up the message a little bit more. While it's a very good and important message, it tneds to fall a little flat.
Just a little polishing is all this needs. Very nicely done.
This is definitely an excellent message. I think it would work in a Sunday School take-home paper. I agree with Betty's comment, though, about strengthening the message a bit.
Nice piece and yes, I too believe you should find a home for it so it can reach more people. Many parents today want to bury their heads in the sand rather than watch and train a child. Parenting cannot be done in a lazy fashion. It takes boldness. Great message.
I, too, find this well written and right on for the sited scripture. The story demonstrates that such lessons and admonitions are timeless. I liked the bond between the parent and child and the real sense of emotions you showed for both.
I wonder if the parent had also warned the son about being the warden over the house and the "talk" could be reinforced with some dialogue from the son. All-in-all, I would say go for the publication - parents do need a template sometimes.