The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This story came to my mind when I heard the topic as well. Nice story-telling. Oh what a tangled web we weave...

Good job!
A fine telling of this tale. Favouritism does cause division, but we must remember God's Word to love our neighbour as ourselves.
I so do NOT understand God's involvement in pitting the twins against one another and their parents' involvement in it all too, but that's not your fault!!! How God could use the dysfunctional 'hairy mess' of that family and the generation above and below to 'bless the world' is beyond me! But He did - what an amazing God. Thanks for the re-telling of this fascinating story.
I think what I liked best about this retelling is how you show it was never God who favored one to the other or pitted them against each other. But rather it was the parent's fault and maybe the law for the way it made you decide. But God took man's law and human fallicies and refused to let it ruin the children he loved.
It sure is amazing how God can and will use us in spite of ourselves. Nice recounting of this sage Bible story. - Nancy