The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 167 times
Member Comments
Good comparison between the weeping willow and the burden our own sin places on our lives and even our appearances.

Try to avoid using the words of the topic in your title (see submission rules).
I like the word picture of morning dew on the willow --very poetic!
Hi from the FW Challenge Coordinator. There is *nothing* in the Submission rules about not using the words in the title of the entries

However, it was recommended in conversations in the forum to not use *just* the word (when it was a single word prompt) as the title to help reduce confusion between entries. You didn't use *just* the word/s, you did have a title From Mourning to Morning. Titles are NOT included in the judging categories.

You are fine. Thanks for entering!
Excellent use of the willow tree and dew as a symbol of mourning. Very natural tie-in to the tree in the end, though I would liked to have seen there a tie-in to people's mourning over Jesus death.
Very good devotion, I think. Keep writing.
Great job with the topic.
Well done,
God Bless~