The Official Writing Challenge
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Very cute. Strangely enough, my original draft had something very much like this, with the end not sure if it was repeating, dreaming, reality, etc. But alas, i had to cut it out for word count.
Pretty cute, a couple of grammar issues and a small POV jump but other than that very nice.
I liked how this came out in the end. Nice posts, enjoyed reading it. God bless ya, littlelight
I agree with Dub, this is pretty cute. Dreams can be so real sometimes, and it is disconcerting when the dream seems to repeat itself in real life.
This is the second entry I read tonight about the difference in attitudes toward snowfall between those from the North and those fom the South.
Around here the radio personalities accuse each other of cussing if the word 'snow' is used in a sentence. Some personal favorites in this piece: your first snow angel at age 40, "made everything look like a massive cream puff," the entire paragraph about tracks in the snow and what might have made them. What an interesting way to conclude this article! Did a real angel visit? Thanks for sharing.
Cute story. I'm 40 and I've never made a snow angel - perhaps I need to get moving. LOL. Well done.
Wake up! Wake up! Are you awake yet? What a beautiful story. Everyone should get to make a snow angel at least once in their lives:)
A cute story :)
I liked how you compared the snow to milk and a cream puff. Nice twist at the end too. Good job.