The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This tenderly told story brought tears to my eyes. Thankfully, God knows each individuals capacity for understanding His grace, and measures out the most to those who may seem farthest from being able to understand it in this life.
Beautifully told and heart wrenching. God knows these special children all the way to their hearts.
This was such a tender story. Thank you for sharing
God knows the needs of all His children--and my heart bleeds for the moms of troubled children. Your descriptions sounded like that of an autistic child.
Great eye opening story about this child's specialness. I was a bit confused about why the mother was so angry with the horse rider though. You did a good job with the portrayal of the mom and the child in a manner that we can see what is happening.
I loved the descriptions you used.I could picture the scene described.You used rich words.You pulled me into the childs world. A world difficult to understand.We know that Jesus Knows the mind and the heart of your wild child.Loved the emotion.
Awesome story. I can imagine how difficult it was to write. You touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations on your third place win. It is well deserved.