The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
An interesting story and a wonderful tale of love. Forgiveness isn't easy but it can be done through His help. Thanks for reminding us.
An interesting story that held my attention. I thought that the coversation flow could use some tweaking to make it flow better (for example: use more contractions). It fit the topic quite well. Keep up the good work.
I like this one a lot!
What a sweet story. Well told, too. Thanks for sharing.
I thought this was very good. "An incorrect one" may not be what a 9-yo would say, but I don't know with any authority. :) I was a little confused as to the setting, are the kids at Aunt and Uncle's house for Christmas? and were are mom and dad?

I loved the ending - the husband spilling the truth, and the wife revealing the secret of who the "real" hero was on that day. Such humility. Great job!
I enjoyed the story. It was a great testimony of marriage and love and loyalty. A few minor errors. I will pm you later. I'm on a break right now! Great job.
i love how you started out with "...and bam!" Perfect! I found it a tad awkward that it ended with "it wasn't easy." It almost felt like it needed something to tie it up - but that's just my opinion. I love it that she was the one and she held it back. Yes, true humility. Good story.
I really enjoyed this!
Conversation flowed so easily between all your characters and I love the way you developed your MC.
Very cool ending and a great hint of the power to forgive and move beyond resentment and bitterness with God's help.
Thanks for sharing your gift.
Wowsers, I'm glad I got back to this one! Look for it on the Front Page showcase for the week of Dec. 24. Thanks!
I enjoyed this story very much! Loved your opening and ending especially.
A very interesting article with nice plot and suspense
Amazing story! This is very well written! Congrats on being the FW Frontpage Showcase writer.
Excellent writing, Sara! Glad you got showcased or I might not have read this. Great job with the emotions.
Congratulations on the ShowCase! I'm glad I got to enjoy this again. :)