The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very inspiring! Challenges us to pray that God will make us willing in those times that we are not! God bless, Cheri
This is great! I love your passion and it's so true how extremism is admired except when it comes to God. Stay fanatical! God bless!
Beautiful, beautiful. I love Jesus, yes! The Lord keeps putting before me His message to love Him with all my mind, with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength. Thank you for sharing your heart and love for Jesus. Great message!
I loved your enthusiasm! It's evident from the opening sentence right to the end. I especially loved this part:

"The more we love God, the easier it becomes to love others. The more we love others, the more the world will see. Our light will outshine anybody or anything that tries to hide it."

Good work. Keep it up!
This is such a deeply passionate look into how we should love and obey our Lord. When we can do that, it's much easier to be willing to follow Him. Such an honest piece that obviously came from your "willing" heart. Joanne
You definitely have my respect.
Great work here. You've managed to squish all of your love into such a small set of lines, it explodes out to the reader.
In this day of reality TV with extreme just-about-everything, we Christians really should be extreme about our love for Christ. Why is it so hard sometimes?! Thanks for the great example in this article, Debbie. And I love the way it just flows out of you - even over the internet cables!!
Debbie O'Connor, I read this article on your having, truly, absolutely fallen in love with our Lord, after seeing the "I See" article. You do walk the talk, girl! Alelujah. Please share your treasure with me anytime, email anytime, preach and teach anytime... as we read in Matthew 26, one has to be on guard "watch and not be tempted" by sleep, lethargy and indulgences as the apostles were at Gethsemane. Love and gratitude, neil deo