The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
The weekly Challenge is for: l)Enjoyment, 2) Hone our writing skills on a given subject, and 3)To jump in and have fun; however, I find this controversial subject awkward to comment or critique upon, as it is extremely explosive. This said, I'll just say the piece is well written.
As a Christian I don't find this subject controversial...I find it necessary. As a Christian writer, I feel that we need to be more vocal about these types of issues. I, myself, will not be politically correct when it comes to these types of things. If I offend, I do so for the sake of slain children. I cannot apologize. You may withdraw this article from competition. I have read many articles that are not 'just for fun' in these contests. I frankly don't write 'just for fun'.
I'd say it is extremely well written, drenched in emotion. In a brief passage you have given voice to the inner battle of a woman struggling between the message of the world and the message of the Bible.
Wonderfully written. Packed with emotion. You described the struggle well. Good job.
Beautifully written, from the title clear to the last word. Do you REALLY belong at this level, or is it time to move up?? Congratulations!!
Excellent writing! Her emotions were vivid. You wrote on a tough topic in a way that many can relate to.