The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 3435 times
Member Comments
I cried. This story of Jesus gets me every time, and your retelling of it is creative and engaging. Great piece.
08/01/19 did a spectacular job with the retelling of this Biblical story. Fantastic job with the mind-set and POV from the adulteress.

Great job with the topic,

I will never read that story the same again!! Riveting! I felt her pain, her fear, her confusion, and her amazement and joy! Salvation is an awesome experience! I know! A great read! Thank you!
Awesome job!
Well done bringing this to life! I love the phrase about the drawing of the face like its magnetized!
Beautifully written!
Congrats on your win! Well done!
Very, very, very well-written! And congratulations!
Well done! That is an excellent piece.
I believe you belong in Master's. You might be new to the site (and perhaps you aren't) but you are definitely not new to writing!

Well deserved first place!
congrats on a well deserved win!
Brilliant glimpse at the mind and heart of a woman we often brush past. You remind us of the hope we all have in meeting Jesus just as we are. Keep up the great work.
I really love this. Your words took us there; like a vision.
Our Saviour is indeed kind, compassionate and Messiah to us. Beautiful!
I certainly enjoyed the descriptive usage of your words.

Even though I am very familiar with this accounting, you truly gave it legs; I was engaged. You did an excellent job, congratulations you crafted a beautiful story.
Beautiful! Well done!
From your opening words I was drawn in and I knew which story you were telling me. The beauty is in you telling us the story. A few spelling, tense changes have not deterred me from enjoying your story. Thank you.
Congratulations on retelling this Bible story in a meaningful and contemporary way.
Honestly have never read a better retelling of this story. You actually took me to that scene and took me through. Could feel her hurt and the Master's love. Just beautiful. Well deserved. Thank you for writing this piece. Brings so much hope!
Your first of only two articles on FW and you take 3rd for the year! Wherever you went, I hope you keep on writing for the glory of God. Congratulations...great job.
I love this story! You really captured the emotion of this woman and how she felt as she knew she was trapped.

Very well written.
Wow! This writing is a beautiful display of a most familiar story from the Bible. I know this is already been judged and you definitely deserved your ranking, but I have a couple things that I personally find distracting. I am not looking it up, but I think the words "magnetised" and "recognised" should have a "z" instead of an "s." But perhaps you are from another country and that is the correct spelling. Just a note. The other thing I found a bit distracting is there are no paragraphs between the writing when someone speaks. But that is minor in this wonderfully written winner! It had a fresh look at such a familiar Bible story. I enjoyed it thoroughly.