The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I had a problem with the over emphasis of "real dad". There is no credit to the man who loved them both and has cared for them through the years and helped to make a life for them.

It was an incredible gift to read the words of her first dad, whom she never got to know. Nonetheless, this was a tear-jerker.
This has a nice twist to it--it's not just a standard 'memories' story. And you pulled at my emotions, too.
This gave me goosebumps! It's certainly a favorite of mine this week! There's so much detail and emotion woven through her, even the double meaning in the title, just wow! I loved it. Excellent writing! ^_^
Oh, I'm so glad I read this one - it is beautiful! This really is one of my favorites this week. Very tender and full of love. Thank you for sharing this delightful story!
Great title and explanation of the importance of the name. Strong emotions pulled from the reader throughout, and yet, the one thought which held my attention most was his warning to her that things may not always be the way we want, but is okay as long as God is in control - a lesson I think every Christian parent wants to get across to their child(ren). How insightful to have him write that in the letter. Well planned writing. :)