The Official Writing Challenge
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Sadly, this is the story of many people...

Think about brushing up your meter; you need to have a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in this type of poetry. This seems to fit better with next weeks' topic.

You captured a tragic truth in this poem.
Both interesting and unique in it's content and format. Some heartfelt truths revealed, that's true - but in my humble opinion...did not snag the topic. Your piece, however, did point out some of my own failings in my Christian life...and gave me thought for reflection. Thanks.
An excellent message.

I had a little trouble finding the flow of this poem - a little work on the rhythm of this might help some.

Thanks for writing this - it definitely gave me much to ponder.
Poetry is not easy, I am still learning myself. The flow definitely needs work. I did like the last two lines. We are all here to learn to be better writers, so if you need help just ask. God bless and keep writing. :)
Christianity is not a mask we wear, but a cross--a burden we willingly bear. Thank you for your honesty!