The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your title drew me in, and your message kept me! The rhythm felt like a jog. I enjoyed this!
Wonderful message here. I like the way your discomfort on your jog shifted from yourself when you heard the Word of God. Interesting poem.
I really enjoyed this poem! Good message and beautifully vivid imagery. My favorite line: "My breath rushes out before my eyes."

The line "Distracted from myself" is shorter than the rest--it could use a couple more words to fit the meter.

Great descriptions here--I really liked "plod," "tightening chest," and "weakening limbs." I could both see and feel with the jogger!
What a lovely poem. I write a lot of poetry, and I can tell when the poet speaks straight from the heart. I love how you show how God helped you to keep going even though the way was rough. Well done, and keep writing. God Bless
Not "headphones", but "heartphones"; nifty! Very descriptive and has a great message for the Christian struggling uphill and onward. Loved it!
Clever title and excellent message in this well-written poem! I liked how it shows God ministering in the everyday routines of our lives! Thank you for sharing! :)