The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Lovely description - very vivid. I loved "coming along" as you learned of your love of oil painting, and learning to cherish God's creation right along with you.
Very nice! I also love the enthusiasm expressed through your words. Nicely done!
Good wiritng here, and I enjoyed the interplay between you and Opal. I did feel that this perhaps lacked a fine focus, for such a short piece: it was about you learning to paint, and you cultivating houseplants, and your appreciating of God's handiwork. Any of those in themselves would be worth reading, because you have an easy-going, readable style.
You know what made this successful in my opinion? Reading about your own enjoyment! The reader can't help but be swept up by your enthusiasm.

I agree that you could have limited comments to JUST oil painting and developed a little more of what it was like to sit behind the canvas, dab this color or that, feel the surge of inspiration......

I also tripped a bit when you said earlier that you and Opal were of different faiths but were both Christians?

You're sharing your heart here, which is what good writing is all about. :-)
You craft your sentences very well!! You have talent for sure - all I might suggest is you focus more on a specific topic that you want to write on and make a great beginning and work it to a satisfying conclusion- it is easy to want to add too much information and then take away from where you are going. Try to think of your end and what message you want to convey and then back it up to see how to get there:) Hope this helps - remember that other than that suggestion - you write well already!
I like the truth you brought out regarding looking at things differently once you are a Christian. It is so true! The simplicity of this story as well as the honesty in your writer's voice was so refreshing and light. Blesssings, Jo
What a sweet read. I too could feel joy as I read the many ways God shows Himself!
Other than the little "disconnect" between these two paragraphs, which jarred me a bit...
"because I sold one painting to a stranger. (Friends will buy anything.)

Besides fashioning handcrafts, I at one time propagated houseplants."
...I really like your writing. Since I have also loved to lose myself doing oil painting, I see more than one link connecting us :) and I think it is fun getting acquainted with you through your writing. I also want to express my appreciation for your comment on my "Sidetracks" story. Thank you!
Such a lovely story with lovely word choices. You revived a joy of painting I haven't thought of in years.

This is beautiful.