The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
So sad. You shooked me with the unexpected turn of events. Way to capture your readers interest. Blessings on your writing.
You did a great job including a lot of information in the brief word count. Full of emotion. Good work.
Aww, sad story. I felt that I didn't get inside the MC's head and heart quite as much as I would have liked, but you did well telling the story. Good job!
Well written and tragic. It's the ending that felt like a slap in the face. Duty called. Duty intruded. There's a time to grieve and a time to labor. It seemed harsh that he was so ready to jump from father/husband to doctor. I guess I don't have the soul of a doctor. I agree, I would have liked to have gotten more into the thought processes of the MC.
That ending definitely slapped me in the face! I can't believe he'd be back to work so soon. This was a very compelling story, and so sad. Nice job.
A powerful story - showing how life must go on, even with tragedy.
Wow! This was packed with action and emotion! I was on the edge of my seat hoping things were going to turn out different.

Yes, doctors and nurses have to put their life and heart on hold - sad.

Great job Chrissy! Keep up the good work! :^)
A roller coaster ride of emotions. Nicely done.
Ummmm...yep that was great!! I loved the up and down feeling of it. I love stories in which I can see the plot flowing like a movie. Nicely done!
The title is tragically ironic...very well done.
I loved it when you referred to Jillian as his bride. What a sad story. You did a wonderful job with what a doctor would go through, facing his worst nightmare. The emotions were gripping. Great job!
What a shock to realize the ones he had longed to see were the very ones he was being paged for. My goodness. You showed the MC's emotions by his actions. I thought it was good. Powerful and eye opening.
What an amazing story. You must love to make people emotional and you do a great job at it.
Wow! this was very good. It kept my interest and swept me along through the story. Well written and thanks for sharing it.
Very, very vivid. I felt as if I were right there the entire time, sharing in the grief and the suspense. Good job!