The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your title sums this up and your last paragraph says it all. Nice job, this was a refreshing read! ^_^
Nice devotional!
I enjoyed this article. It was very informative and enlightening. Felt like it would have been in one of my daily devotional books. Thanks for sharing.
An excellent analysis of the situation.

According to me it is not the question to be or not be - but to rule Life with and in Christ.

To rule life with Christ is to love our Heavenly Father and Brother, ourself with The Love of God, and with His love for us love our neighbour.

It is The Law of Love which is so often forgotten by our brothers and sisters around the world. (though we have fabricated scores of other laws/rules to rob us of our God given freedom.)

Your article makes a good point for Christian character. Are we really who we profess to be? Followers of Christ? On any given day, each of us may vaccilate on our faithfulness to that duty. Depends on how we feel about ourselves, our family, our mental and physical health. A little honest reflection would reveal this reality. We fail our Lord in the same sense that the apostles failed him, in our humaness. However, He knows our frame, our frailty, and already has a recharge booting us up again. "Do you love me? Yes, Lord. Feed my lambs. Do you love me? Yes, Lord. Feed my sheep. Do you love me? Yes Lord. Feed my sheep." We all "Peter" out at times, but Jesus is always there to let us know He believes in us and that we still have a job to do. Amen!
A very interesting piece that we all need to take note of. I do find this to be an issue within the church and it troubles me that it is that way. Let us help each other to grow in Christ so that we can be more Christ-like in our behaviour. Thank you Anita. God bless you. We miss you. May his loving arms surround as you rest in His presence, seeking His direction for the way forward. Lots of love and blessings. Janice