The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Nice story basis but it needs to be longer. What events have led to her despair? I'd have liked a little more internal consideration before she changes her mind.
Also take a look at your speech. Becasue you use direct speech (with quotation marks) in the 2nd sentence, you need to put inside exactly the words she says or thinks, eg 'There is nothing left for me in life' Definite promise in this writing.
This is a good start. Watch your spelling and grammar. I agree with the last commenter about the 'thoughts'. Keep writing!
There is a good message in this piece, a little better in the phrasing abd it would shine masterfully. a few typos as well. Be sure to read over the text several time to see if it is how you wish it to sound.. If you like sent me an Email and I can show you what I find here. It is a good story and could work out well with a little editing.
Nice story. I'd like to encourage you to work on grammar and punctuation. Love the inspiration drawn from nature!
Your ability to describe the scene gives the reader a strong sense of place and what is happening around your character. We would like to know the character more and you can do this my showing, not telling: 'Thoughts of negativity paved one after another.' Is telling. with each thought she stabbed at the sand with her toe "I feel so useless. How could I... " Is showing. Showing connects the reader to the character.