The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very clever twist. Nicely done. Just goes to prove the importance of having ALL the facts (or in this case, all the pieces of paper) before we go rushing to judgment. Blessings.
Your title drew me in because it is part of a biblical phrase..."about seeing through a glass darkly, but in part.."; however, upon reading it, I found a story of life's ups and downs, but with a beautiful "ENDing"; nicely done. I enjoyed the read. Very creative.
Fantastic, i was really moved. You've really captured the scene well. Thank you.
Nice - attention grabbing and held throughout. I like the ending - it always helps to have the whole story (or letter, or Bible).
You did a great job of showing the emotion in this story. How easy it is for us to judge when we don't always know the whole story. This one is a keeper and probably a winner!
Brilliant take on the topic. Good writing here. God Bless.
Great twist at the end! You really conveyed her pain and anger well - I could have thrown the picture across the room, too! Great job!!!
Great job. This story was so well written. You don't seem to belong in the beginners group... :) Blessings and keep it up.
A moving story. Enjoyed it.
Love to see you move up a level. Paint more pictures with your words and you'll do well.