The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 866 times
Member Comments
This article is very fitting for the topic.
I enjoyed reading this...thank you for the perspective.
This article builds very nicely; your physical maturity parallels your spiritual maturity.

Be careful of the construction "As a small child, Spring..." Written that way,"Spring" is the small child, not you. A better way would be "When I was a small child, spring..."

Very nice last paragraph, especially.
This is a beautiful gem! I enjoyed how you viewed spring through each milepost of your life: childhood, teen years, college life, etc. I pondered your comment 'Before I had children my eyes were closed. I saw only what I wanted to see. Kind of like that line from the song, Amazing Grace, "I once was blind but now I see."' Insightful comment!
Lovely expression in those last two paragraphs! Thank you for sharing!
Beautifully written!