The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 406 times
Member Comments
Wow! What an excellent gem you've written for this weeks topic! I was enthralled with your ingenious approach, and the clever way you infused the Word into the story. It was amazing, and so beyond excellent. I loved it!

I pray this does well with the judges. Fantastic job!

God bless~
I was not quite able to follow the connections and transitions.

With a second read it still seemed disconnected.

You pulled me in from your first sentence. I like your unique take on this week's theme...encouraging us to join your mc in a digital detox. The only problem I saw was that I'm not for sure your devotional part fit the theme for the week as it seemed to go off in another direction; although, what you wrote was powerfully true. Keep writing. You have what it takes, for sure. (P.S. Some of our advice we freely offer is easier said than done but the more you write, the easier it will get.)