The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 981 times
Member Comments
Your article flowed very nicely and was well written. I enjoyed it, mostly because I certainly found peices of myself within it. Thanks for sharing! Good job!
Some good thoughts and a strong conclusion. Nice piece.
nice story
Thank you for sharing this.
Yeshua Bless
great testimony, thanks for sharing. God Bless you
Working with children (I'm a traveling nanny) myself, I can relate very much to this piece. The Explosive Child by Dr. Ross Green has a line that I treasure, "children will always be good, if they can". For children who struggle, we need to keep this in mind. That is what your article said to me. I could feel the hurt we feel inside as parents when our child is hurting and we can't fix it but instead have to patiently guide them. Your compassion showed deeply here.
Very nice job. God bless you.