The Great Multitude Christian Bible Devotional Submission Guidelines
Written by Members Worldwide. Inspired by Revelations 7:9-12.
Now on thousands of websites and thousands more by email and twitter.
FaithWriters encourages its worldwide members to submit discerning, inspiring, faith building and informative daily devotionals for consideration. Because we publish the devotionals on diverse websites, both believers and non-believers will read them. Therefore, please always keep in mind that our mission is one of reconciliation. The words you write could be instrumental in leading a lost person to Jesus.
Since this world does everything it can to beat up people in general, and specifically Christians more and more as time passes, we want to do all we can to encourage the body of Christ with our writing. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29).
We are primarily seeking Biblically-sound submissions that focus on our justification by faith, Jesus' finished work on the cross, the New Covenant Jesus shed His blood for, God's unconditional love and grace for us, and our identity in Christ
as a believer.
Please keep in mind the FaithWriters' faith statement HERE. Devotionals should not promote any specific denominational theology that might create division. We all believe we need Jesus and salvation by grace, so this is where our primary focus should be in our writing.
Before starting to write, please review Jan's short, free class on writing devotionals HERE.
Take the time to produce the best devotional you can for the glory of God. When writing, please make sure to take the time to PRAY and ask God for guidance in your work.
The maximum word count is 350 words (including title, scripture verse, body, and short bio at the end). Preferred style is five or less paragraphs. We need to respect the space other sites give us.
Submissions must be fully edited and ready for posting or they may be returned to you.
Devotionals must include a title. A good title with popular keywords will receive more reads. Scan the previous submissions to see what readers are finding in searches.
The Scripture verse must include the biblical version next to it (ESV, KJV, NIV).
Please include one unique line about yourself with the submission, where you live, how long you've been married, number of kids and grandkids, or hobbies. This brief bio will be included with the submission, along with a link to your FaithWriters profile page.
On your member profile, please add a photo and fill in some information in the "about self" section.
These devotionals appear and update automatically on thousands of websites around the world. They also go directly to thousands of people by email and Twitter, and are posted on about 90 days after being posted on FaithWriters.
ONLY FAITHWRITERS MEMBERS can submit devotionals for consideration to [email protected] with a subject line entitled "New Devotional Submission." If you are not yet a member, you can join HERE.
Members are REQUIRED to post all devotionals submitted as a Regular Article in their member portfolio. If this is not done, your devotional will not be published in this program. This is for the members benefit as readers will be given a link to your profile when we published your devotional.
Note: The devotional you are submitting is for FaithWriters main site. While we do ask that submissions be edited, we reserve the right to make any alterations, edit further, or to make changes to correspond with the New Covenant of grace and truth. Unfortunately, we do not have the time to go back and forth with writers for approval of any changes. We always do our best to enhance the flow of messages and to keep their central point in force.
From past experience, many submissions will not be changed or edited at all, some will embody a decent amount of change, and some will not be published. By submitting, you agree to allow us to enhance, edit, change, or not publish your submission, as we choose.