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Welcome to my page - Victorya
Victorya is an Amazon Best-Selling Christian Author.
* Author: Best-Seller-Can You Forgive Series: Chosen 15 Minutes with Jesus:
The Book of Forgiveness
* Author: Best-Seller-Can You Forgive Series: Can You Forgive The Journal Workbook.
The Workbook of Forgiveness
* Author: Best-Seller: Rise the Sword and The Shield
The Book of Choices
* Co-Author: Best-Seller: Broken Wings Wounded Hearts, Journaling Through Life:
The Book of Hope (By Enri 5 co-authored by 5 sisters)
* Author: Born Again A Transformation of The Heart A Renewing of The Mind:
The Book of Change

Victorya was featured on the Christian Broadcasting Network CBN 700 Club in 2017, interviewing on her face to face visit from Jesus that occurred in January 1998. Jesus asked, “Can you forgive?” and then He left her with a revelation and an instruction.
Victorya founded Messages of Faith Ministry in the State of Nevada in 2001, its divisions of Chaplaincy Nevada in 2009.Victorya is a Nevada State licensed Minister and Chaplain who currently resides in Las Vegas. In 2015 Victorya was Awarded - Lifetime Achievement Recognition for her ministry work from the NV State Governors Office, US Senatorial, US House of Representatives, US House of Congress, and partnered organizations recognition awards. She was born in Phoenix Az. She is of Mexican and Irish descent. She spent most of her teen and young adult life in Arizona and California. She is the mother of four and a grandmother. She retired in 2007 as a 4th degree black belt instructor in martial arts. She developed the first UNLV Fashion Design program.

Amazon: Chosen
Victorya FB

Can You Forgive Series


 Victorya  Work phone: 702-401-7149
 PO Box 60215  
 Las Vegas, Nevada, 89160  Contact: [email protected]
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