Dr. Timothy Hoflund is Co-Founder & Senior Ministry Leader of True Hope Ministries of America and Chancellor of True Hope Bible Institute.
Those who know him best and are in ministry with him, know Dr. Timothy Hoflund as a teaching prophet!
One long time member of True Hope Churches explains that Dr. Timothy has a way of making the Scriptures easy to understand and apply to real life!
Born again in 1976, Dr. Timothy (as his friends call him) has led a very "real" life - - learning that God builds some of our greatest messages out of our deepest failures which God has turned into HIS successes!
Dr. Timothy accepts invitations to minister in churches (of any denomination) that are devoted to Christ as Lord and loyal to the Bible as God's Word and Message to mankind.
Next to the salvation of souls, Dr. Timothy's greatest concern is for Christians to experience the living, daily reality of being the sons and daughters of God, knowing God as "Abba" - intimately as Father! This is the genuine reality of spiritual freedom and power which is not only available to every person who is born again, but is the intention that God expresses in His Word!
Timothy welcomes your contacts and looks forward to every opportunity to provide assistance to church leaders in reaching their communities with God's love in Christ Jesus, and to help the saints in growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
True Hope Ministries of America
True Hope Bible Institute
The True Hope Journal
Healing Waters
Other ArticleSons Not Servants
- 2012 - Faith in Focus, published by Publish America. Faith in Focus helps readers grasp the simple reality of what faith is (and is not), and will help lead you into a vital and intimate fellowship with God as Abba!
Faith in focus is not another "academically, theologically, theoretical, Biblically ideological treatise on the idea of faith or another instruction book on how to gain magnificent blessings by exercising faith!
Faith in Focus will transform your understanding of faith from a (sometimes) discouraging demanding requirement that is hard to understand to a continuing enjoyment in knowing you are pleasing God!
- 2002 - Founded True Hope Churches & Ministries.
A broad spectrum ministry organization that serves the church community in several crucial ways.
- 2010 - Organized True Hope Bible Institute as a Distance Learning Christian College with over 15 degree programs at all levels of degrees from Associates to Doctorate.
- 2009 - Rev. Timothy Hoflund receives Doctor of Divinity degree.
2012 - Dr. Timothy Hoflund attains Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Timothy Hoflund |
Work phone: 888-800-1584 |
P.O. Box 2474 |
Springfield, MO, 65801 |
Contact: [email protected] |