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I'm a Christian writer, dedicated to using the talents God has given me for Him.

Writing is a hobby... a pastime... a passion.

I absorb and recycle words like oxygen, loving every minute of turning a blank page into a vivid painting that exercises the imagination.

"To me the only important thing about living is Christ..." Phil. 1:21
Born and raised in New York state, churched in a ministry for deaf people, homeschooled K-12, trained in horseback riding, and reestablished in Iowa as a teenager, my life has been shaped and molded for purposes only God knows. But if I wanted anyone to know, it would be Him.

While writing is my passion, a full-time job with a non-profit Christian ministry pays the bills. I live on a little acreage with a few pets and a couple horses to satisfy my love of animals. With several published novels, I continue to write with the hopes of sharing even more of my writings with others.

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Dinosaurs in the Sky

Short Story
It's Jesus

Other Article
The Composition


My anthology, Smatterings of an Analytical Loner is now available.

Discovering the Dawn, my newest novel, is also now available.

My second children's book in the Matthew's Bible Stories series, Esther is Brave has also been released.


 Rachel L Burkum  
 c/o 21199 Greenview Rd.  
 Council Bluffs, Iowa, 51503  Contact: [email protected]
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