I think I'm right with this.

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I think I'm right with this.

Post by oursilverstrands »

I wrote the following sentence as per below. Just needed to know if the punctuations are correct. Questions and quotes always challenge me. :D

“So what’s the deal, you ask?” “I trust my doctor to explain the results to me.”

When Youth Fades
Available at: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=when+youth+f ... nb_sb_noss/

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Re: I think I'm right with this.

Post by Shann »

Since you haven't received an answer, I will insert my opinion. I would say yes the punctuation and quotation marks are correct. The only thing I'd point out is if they are different speakers, you should have separate paragraphs for them, but I gathered they were just two different examples. :mrgreen:

Another way might be "So what's the deal?" you ask. But I sensed you didn't mean it that way.
Another way to do it would be to tweak it to make it easier to understand your meaning if it's different than what I originally suspected: "You ask, 'What's the deal?'"
But I might be reading too much into it.

Again I'm overthinking, but I also might do something (depending on meaning) like this: "So you want to know what the deal is. Well, I trust my doctor to explain the results to me."

It all depends on the context in my opinion. So in the end, I probably didn't help at all! :mrgreen:
But if just a simple question, the mark goes inside of the quotes. Shann scratches her head. "Did I confuse you even more?" :D

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