Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

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Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

Post by jlenard »

Friends, I am writing a book titled: TERROR STRIKES (This is a fact/fiction blend book). Actually, it was mostly written and already copyright in 2006. However, never published. I am revisiting it now PRAYING that enough inspiration comes and can flow onto the pages to actually be worthy a publishing/selling. It is a Christian book, but not in a traditional sense. By the title you obviously know the over-riding theme, but as with most manuscripts several sub-themes usually are present. I am hoping for SUBTLE NUDGES to non-believers that may read my book, would want to learn more about Christ.

Each chapter starts with a TEASER QUOTE. A few of those, are Scripture passages. But, again, I am actually AVOIDING too much Scripture quoting, going for more subtle, gentle, influencing. I will share a portion of COMIC RELIEF chapter further down. I, of course, welcome your thoughts - why otherwise would I be posting, right? LOL

But before that, I want to share with you an email I sent several of my close friends to see what kind of reaction that I might get....

-------- that email, plus most of it posted to GAB, GETTR, PARLER, more --------

More importantly, OBJECTIVELY, if it were NOT ME YOUR FRIEND would this be something you'd be interested in???

Hey gang, got a strange post for y'all....

How avid a Reader are you?
I am more a - wait until it is a movie person but I can share that my favorite book I would likely say is THE SECOND COMING OF LUCAS BROKAW!
My favorite movie: The Thirteenth Floor.

Why I ask is, I started writing a novel back in 2005-2006. I just was never able to get all the pieces in place to finish it to a point that it could be Published. Well, I feel God put it back into my Life now. I know I still will not be able to get everything like I'd want it to consider it good enough for Publishing, so I am going to look for a ghost-writer to help bolster a couple weak chapters that need some work and likely the transition chapter that was my ultimate hangup from the first 3/5's of the book to tie the ending that I wrote back in 2006. It was copyrighted in 2006, to protect what I did/do have. Hoping to have Published some time in 2022.

Again, the reason I say all that, is to ask this... The following is my BOOK ELEVATOR PITCH:
Terror Strikes is not just a Book, but a Book within a Book as the lead, Marten a newspaper man, is writing a Book about Terrorism. It is also a Blog, within a Book, as Marten uses his Blog* as some source material (why reinvent the well if you have related material that can go into the book, right?). Terror Strikes not only acts as a history lesson and warning, but concepts of not just those lost but Survivors Guilt and other related issues surrounding Violent acts effecting everyday life.

some of the additional things are Survivors Guilt (and how it drives some to suicide), PTSD (same suicide concerns), recovering from loss, Love vs Hate, etc...

Part history book, part drama, part just me being weird (lol)....
Not only deals with Terrorism, but how the Left seems to at times be sympathetic with their BLAME AMERICA for everything stances, and several sub-threads of FASCICRATS hate, bad policy (like weak on Terrorists and all Criminals in general these days), etc...
Not a Christian Book, per se, but does touch on MORALS from a Christian perspectives (including Abortion issue (briefly)).
(for a synopsis sneak-peak see the SYNOPSIS attachment at: ... -bookstand )

Is that something you would want to consider reading?!?!?

* The BLOG WITHIN THE BOOK is a new development (and somewhat a new concept, I cannot say NO-ONE has done or doing it, but I've not seen it yet. However, Blogs/Vlogs are one of the THINGS now with the wide available FREE SPACE on the Internet people can put them). And perhaps part of why 2006 wasn't right for my manuscript but today is?!?! I just thought of it last week. Since I had BOOK WITHIN BOOK already then I thought the play of using some of my own online articles that would fit/related and be able to copy them in as new chapter pieces. A cheat, I can cut/paste them, and make minor changes to put them in the voice of my lead character likely cutting a week or two of writing. Once I put a month work in to build on what I had and bring it up to date (sitting around since 2006, some parts are stale and outdated needing updating) then I can seriously look for the right ghostwriter. I need to find one willing to work with my Disability Income Budget. One who will hopefully do for less up front, have cowriter and some royalties option!

Anyway, weird post like I said.


And an aside,
what other book you gonna get a discussion on both...
Psychological Projection
and Schrodinger's Cat theorem
?!?!? lol ?!?!?!?
The former seems obvious fit with topic
does wondering how the latter is worked in intrigue anyone?
;-) :P LOL
I'm laughing, but seriously I do employ them.


The last few paragraphs from COMIC RELIEF chapter, after the lead character interacts with a couple of strangers...

Marten recalled “love your neighbor, as yourself,” and he certainly knew he welcomed the kindness of strangers. While an odd one, it was a bit of a “random act of kindness” in a loose sense that the term oft used.

Likewise, his Christianity surfaced, he recalled Matthew too: “you shall know them by their fruits!” Contextually applicable beyond the negative connotation about misdeeds, but too those who engage in good-deeds. Alas, Marten thought, so many love to tout only certain scripture while at times completely overlooking other relevant passages that provide context, a clarification, an extension, of other life-lessons of the Bible. There is far more to Ephesians 1:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” and much beyond that is still expected of Christians. Again, be “Brother’s Keeper” clearly commands an action, a deed, a task, at test of own personal worthiness by that which we afford others.

It important to “act” as a Christian, not just tell people one is. Not just spout Scriptures, and expect that a non-believer will immediately fall to their knees and join the faith because they memorized lines to repeat. “Show, Don’t Tell” in the verse of the Canadian Rock group Rush. Indeed, demonstrate, while welcome someone to Christ. If you wear a visible Cross necklace, your actions will speak more than your words about it. Give them the “word” when knowing they are really open to hearing them, and ready for their next step toward redemption.

So, yes, humor would have to be an inclusion. Faithful words of encouragement too. His book would be a multiple “Mission” including that in the Christian Missionary sense. He was “called” to this book, and glory to God must be part. To be a Christian messenger, but not an over-bearing one so-as to not have someone tune-out from the message having been too aggressive.

I wrote in my lead feeling CALLED, just as I felt to writing the book in 2006, but clearly it wasn't MEANT TO BE then - I feel it was all necessary then, for it to be able to better developed these 15ish years later.

additional sample text in:


Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
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Re: Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

Post by Shann »

Congratulations on trying to get it published this year. My biggest advice would be to invest in a professional editor to help you make sure all the story lines connect and to maybe even help you fill those extra spots. I'd be happy to recommend some people or give you a sample of the type of editing I do and a price quote. It can be a bit expensive to get an editor but having negative reviews from readers that a editor might have picked up on can be costly too--if it makes people not read your book.

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Re: Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

Post by jlenard »

I agree, even though I am on a Disability Budget, an Editor of some sort will be invaluable and a step that cannot be glossed over. Bad reviews, are an obvious killer. I do, however, include an ABOUT THE BOOK section, and I make clear "my writing style will not likely be everyone's cup of tea" but "this book is me" and hope it garners a bit of understanding and avoid the IRE of those stickler for literary conformity types. I frankly DO NOT GIVE A DARN what they think of my book, once published. I do care, of course, what the casual reader thinks. Their reviews will be what matters most to me, but of course you cannot keep the official book "critiques" from chiming in and I certainly do not want to have a book blatantly abhorrent to them. I wrote my friends, that email I shared, a bit of the cart before the horse, but in preparation for time that I WOULD HOPE THEY WOULD read at least what is available via chapter teasers (and a synopsis section) and WRITE ME SOMETHING POSITIVE right after it comes out and before chances at negative responses might come in. And promoting it to SOCIAL MEDIA friends, also an obvious must. People who LIKE ME, and far more open to what might be then MY STYLE over strict literary norms enforcement.

Anyway, yes, I would certainly be OPEN to hearing about your services. Obviously I have to be closer to actual book finish. So such an editing project definitions be made before any quote could be given. The book will be closer to 200 pages than 300 pages. My target was 250, much less than I do not feel people are getting value for money. But, it will be, what it is, once all the chapters written that need to be contained there-in.

Also, I have reached out to INFINITY PUBLISHING in Philly area, as they were how I was going to self-publish through back in 2006 when I first was looking to finish it and publish. They will, of course, have some recommendations on an editor or what-not.

The early Jan 2022 synopsis save/snapshot is available through my simple parking it as a PDF via Dropbox.

I shared in my initial Faithwriters forum additional material not in the synopsis, that point more toward the CHRISTIAN aspects of the book. That is important to me, but not the over-riding overall theme. A sub-theme to hopefully subtly bring people to want to know more about Christianity and Jesus himself.
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Re: Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

Post by Shann »

I could also help you with the ghost writing. It would be a combo of reading, offering suggestions, and I always give examples of my suggestions that you could use. I also could suggest some companies where if you can do formatting, it would be free to publish. I'd be cautious of any paying self-publishing companies. I worked with a Christian company who only cared about collecting fees. I tried to encourage them to offer more in-depth editing services and rejecting some projects that were really bad. They only cared about the money. I did edit for them and did several soft rewrites. I've been told I'm good at helping the story be stronger without losing the author's voice. If you're mainly going to publish for family and friends, the reviews won't matter but if you plan on selling it anywhere in a public setting, you'll find reviews can be devastating.

I am also disabled so I understand about being on a budget. In my opinion, I think you might be better off at finding a good developmental or substantial editor (vs copy editors or proofreaders) and look into self-publishing pleases where you can do/hire work yourself and they will publish such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Smash words, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Press- used to be Nook). Be cautious with Infinity. Many companies (much like the one I used to edit for) say they are Christian companies, but all they care about is making money. Infinity Publishing has many reports to the BBB. Check out complaints: ... complaints

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Re: Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

Post by jlenard »

Thanks for the info on INFINITY, I will likely not take the chance with them now then.
I looked at AMAZON KINDLE PUBLISHING, but they offer ZERO REAL HELP - you develop even the Cover (I want help with that), I understand the copyright process but ZERO about the whole ISBN thing (need help),
so, I'm looking for a Publisher, prefer a legit/regular one, but happy to settle with paying "SOME" for help getting to the final/finished product from any said Publisher (regular, or self).
But, again, all a bit cart before horse, still working the book, gotta work 3 more chapters for a proper ending still.
I am grateful for INFINITY back in 2006, having attended an AUTHOR FORUM so they helped me with WORD FILES formatting so that what I have, in so far as the inside the book portion, will be ready to go in pretty standard book size format.
I know people who wrote/published through DORRANCE and ILLUMIFY so I am reaching out to them to see if they have a contact with those that I can speak with, as well as a third (Diane) who did a poetry through a self-publisher (from her email response to my reaching out to folks about my book: "I paid Balboa Press $1,870 to publish my poetry book, "Wings of Love" 2 yrs. ago") so I know is satisfied with them to further check out also.
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Re: Publishing goal for my (in development) book...

Post by jlenard »

:thankssign again for the responses. I signed with ILLUMIFY MEDIA (same that released a friend of mine's book WRESTLING GATORS) back on the 12th. The book is currently in COPYEDIT stage (more:! Hoping for an April 15th 2022 release. I am already thinking about my NEXT BOOK which will be a bit more of a traditional/standard "CHRISTIAN BOOK" that I will not be able to go into the details yet as it would be easily something someone else could "borrow" as a theme of their own similar book plot. ILLUMIFY is costing me far more up front, but the quality of the book (cover, additional author support) is going to be worth it.

I say my next, hopefully, will be more a traditional CHRISTIAN expectations (and I'll likely look for help w/ some ghost-writing when the time comes for that project), but this book too is a CHRISTIAN BOOK. It is just a more SUBTLE approach, light on the Scripture references. So, hopefully, it can and will appeal to folks of all varieties. One key line I am going to be using going foreword is: "This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign and domestic) that would deprive others of that Life (including those promoting KILLING IN THE WOMB), Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness."

As you could see, I did create a website to promote it already - likely a bit TOO SOON, but it is up already none-the-less...
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