Previous Challenge Entry (Level 4 – Masters)
Topic: Protector (05/16/24)
TITLE: King Firework | Previous Challenge Entry
By Lynae Fisher
05/23/24 -
Gandalf was not such a gentleman like Firework. That fellow coveted one of Firework’s tiny ladies and tried to take her for his own. Poor little hen, she cried out as he chased her down and grabbed her by the neck. Shooting onto the scene, Firework stood between them and gave the offender a stern talking to. The sweet king preferred peace whenever it could be had.
But the wicked Gandalf did not heed his words; he wanted little Zippy for his own. Another day, he pounced on her. This time, Firework, shot over the six-foot fence, exploding like his namesake onto the scene to fight for his lady’s honor. Claws and spurs striking, beak darting, winging flapping, he tackled the larger king. On and on they fought. Gandalf with his larger size and strength beat back at his little brother. Being smaller and the better flier, Firework remained the top cock as he pounded the enemy over and over. No one would mess with his lady and get away with it.
At last, the cowardly Gandalf decided it was not worth the fight and slunk away in shame. King Firework, though standing proudly for his lady, paid a price for his courage. Torn in the fight, his pearl-white right ear lobe and ruby-red waddles were bleeding; a meager sacrifice for the protection of his beloved hen. Once assured that the cowardly attacker was gone, he strutted away to join the rest of his hens and rest his elegant wings and feet.
Having worn out his welcome, Gandalf ceased to reign in the Chickingdom, but danger did not leave with him. The beautiful blemished king continued to guard his cherished hens with gentleness and elegance on one side and fierceness and terror on the other. Ever standing in the gap between danger and his hens was he.
One day, while Firework was diligently watching the sky, he noticed something was off. The birds were silent. The air was stiff with the scent of danger. Firework scoured the sky and trees. A hawk appeared in the sky. It swooped down. This was a small, agile hawk capable of quick motion. Firework’s eyes flashed like fire. Who was this pest to venture so near to his hens? With his hens safely behind him, Firework advanced towards the invader. The hawk flitted above him, paying him no attention. It had its eye on another tasty morsel. While the hawk danced above him, the rooster paced below, looking for a way to attack. Thwarted in its efforts, the hawk fled from the land. Firework’s hens were safe once more. Of all the renowned kings of Chickingdom, King Firework the Courageous was no doubt the greatest protector the hens ever had.
Though King Firework’s reign eventually came to an end, we have an eternal King whom not even death itself could defeat. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Unlike little King Firework, our King is omnipresent and omnipotent. Our King of kings and Lord of lords laid down His life for His bride and rose again to save us from the world and the prince thereof.
John 15:13(KJV) “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
(Based on a true story)
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